Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fun with C

Honestly it feels like its been ages since I have done anything productive on a computer. So in an attempt to turn all that around I am going to get back into programming, even if its doing absolutely stupid simple shit that has no real world application. So I have fucked with Assembly, BASIC, C, C++, Perl, Python, and probably some others. But I have never learned the ins and outs of anything, so I have decided to go with C. Hopefully I will be posting some code I have written shortly


  1. I always fould programming hard, im thinking of getting back into it though

  2. dude, jump high and hard into C/C++! it will pay you back many years. trust me. If you have questions, ask at my blog.

  3. i am going to start getting interested in this thank you...

  4. C++ is the foundation for it all, or so I hear. My friend was obsessed in high school with programming and is making a bit of a salary, or so I hear.

  5. i want to learn some stuff about programming.

    i'm starting to realize that computers might be my calling in life instead of mechanics

    looking forward to you posting lots of programming tips :-)

  6. I definitely think that you should give C++ a go!

  7. C++ is pretty easy to learn. i did it in highschool and could make basic games within a few days

  8. awesome, im just starting up an it course now which involves python in first semester.

  9. GO babies Go. looking forward to it.

  10. i only know basic but i love python. awesome stuff.

  11. good luck! i've always wanted to learn programming just never had the time

  12. Programming is so time consuming... hours feel like minutes!

  13. C isnt the language you want to start with, C# or java or even visual basic if you are new to programming. Good luck

  14. i hate C++, tried learning it and gave up in like a week

  15. I've been reading through your blog and I really like it, I'll be following :)

  16. i have read some parts of your blog and its very intresting
