Friday, February 11, 2011

Hello World!

C Programming Blurb:
The book I will be working out of is The C Programming Language (Second Edition) by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. I am starting in the beginning of the book (a novel idea right?) even though I already know the basics I figure it can't really hurt too much to brush up on some things. I am really liking how this book doesn't waste time and gets right to the point. I will be using my laptop running slackware to compile my code.

So far in the first chapter my favorite part is the ability to use %d as a placeholder for integer arguments when using the printf output function. So printf("%3d %6d\n", fahr, celsius); formats the variables with  right-justified fields creating a lean and clean output statement. In that code snip-it it sets up the fahr variable to be three digits wide and the celsius variable to be six digits width.

Question of the Day:
I am thinking about buying a console for my room. My roommate has an XBOX360 in our basement so I am leaning towards a PS3, but I have always been an XBOX fanboy. So maybe I would want another one just in case he is using his. Any input would be much appreciated.


  1. I have a PS3, because Killzone is one of my favorite series. I'd just look at the games that you like to play, and buy the corresponding system. (Halo used to be my favorite, but I hate the 14 year-olds on live)

  2. You should try the PS3, i have always been an avid PC gamer myself but if you got the 360 in the basement do PS3.

  3. Get a only does everything you know!

  4. Room mate != forever. PS3 = for ever. Get a 360, unless you want to be stuck with a wretched black monster for all time. :D

  5. Phewwww way over my head with the programming but I can weigh in on the console debate: PS3 all the way.

  6. I have to agree with the other commenters, definitely go with the PS3.

  7. I have PS3 and Xbox if you want to play online go with xbox otherwise PS3 :)

  8. Get a PS3 then you can swap systems if you guys want.

  9. def ps3
    and thank you for your support

  10. I'm a 360 guy. I just like the controller better lol

  11. first of all... i really want to learn coding. definately C. secondly im a pc guy. but prefer xbox. cost more in the long run... depending what games.

  12. i'm a PC gamer, so i dont own a 360 or ps3. but from what i've heard from friends ps3 seems to be more reliable, plus free online capabilities.

  13. Definitely go with a PS3.
    Much better system.
    Also, Following.

  14. I love programming. makes me happy to see any code. Cheers and good luck with the bloggin!

  15. I'm learning C and all it really takes is practice!

  16. go for the X360 man. You won't regret it. When you do contact me to add you on xbox live

  17. I prefer the 360 way better just has a larger scale of games that appeal to me... and I hate the PS3 controller.

  18. I hate the 360 controller as I have small hands and they get strained, but if you don't have that problem then two 360's would be cool for system linkage.
